Did You Know?

In India, over ₹2 lakh crore worth of loans are classified as bad debt every year, affecting millions of borrowers.

How It Works

Getting out of debt with XeroDebt is simple and effective. Here’s our six-step process:

Step 1

Step 1

Case Evaluation

Consult with our counsellors about your unsecured debts (credit cards, personal loans, etc.) and see if you qualify for debt settlement.

step 2

Step 2

Sign Up

Sign up with us after deciding on a plan that works for you and executing a contract that safeguards your interests and permits debt settlement.

step 3

Step 3

Our Legal Team will negotiate on your behalf

Allow our legal staff to communicate with your creditors so that you won't have to worry or feel harassed. When you have enough money saved, we'll talk to your creditors about settling your loans for a lot less than what's owed.

step 4

Step 4

We'll get you the best settlement offer

After receiving your approval, we will work hard to earn you the best savings rate possible before paying off the loans. After the sum has been paid to the creditors, you receive your settlement letter and are no longer in debt.

Crushed by debt ? Take control today!

Fill out the form below and our expert will connect with you shortly.

Why XeroDebt ?

Pay Less, Save More

Loan settlement reduces your outstanding debt significantly, helping you save money and regain control over your finances.

Stress-Free Process

With professionals negotiating on your behalf, you can avoid the stress of dealing with creditors and focus on your peace of mind.

Protection from Harassment

Our anti-harassment support ensures you're shielded from unwanted calls, legal notices, and creditor visits during the settlement process.

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